Home > Artworks > PAPATO Patricia Pacheco y de la Torre

Photo of PAPATO Patricia Pacheco y de la Torre Mexico

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Born in the city of Puebla, 21 February 1950. Academic training l975 - l979 Watercolor Painting with maestro Esteban Aguirre Beltran. l979 - 1981 oil painting Fernando Ramirez with the teacher and the teacher Fernando Osorio Castellanos. 1980 - 1985 Bachelor of Plastic Arts, specializing in Painting, by averaging 9.5, in the Visual Arts Institute of the State of Puebla. 1980 - 1992 was with the Maestro Ignacio Tagle Dvila in his studio as an apprentice and assistant. Learning the ancient...
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Born in the city of Puebla, 21 February 1950. Academic training l975 - l979 Watercolor Painting with maestro Esteban Aguirre Beltran. l979 - 1981 oil painting Fernando Ramirez with the teacher and the teacher Fernando Osorio Castellanos. 1980 - 1985 Bachelor of Plastic Arts, specializing in Painting, by averaging 9.5, in the Visual Arts Institute of the State of Puebla. 1980 - 1992 was with the Maestro Ignacio Tagle Dvila in his studio as an apprentice and assistant. Learning the ancient techniques extinct Oil on canvas as is gone and the manufacture of colors from anilines, etctera. 1984 - 1985 Study on the Section restoration of historical monuments of the city of Puebla 5 l989 outstanding exhibitions and activities involving the Painting Competition at the Italian Embassy in Mexico City DF Themed Dante and the Divine Comedy. Participate Contest 1990 Painting of the Alliance Française de Mexico, with the theme of the French Revolution, his work llamSueos Freedom. Participated in the collective exhibition colors, habits and feelings, along with painters recognized as Xochitiotzin Desiderio Hernandez, Armando Ahuatzin, Gress Mercedes Ayala, Antonio del Mar and others in the art gallery of the Municipal the city of Tlaxcala. Collective Expo Tauromagia woman in the Memorial Museum of the City of Tlaxcala. Fourth Day of public art and murals, Tlaxcala 2005, earning a Master Angiano recognition. In addition he has participated in over 40 solo and group contact. Telephone: 222 2282859 home, (044) 222 3007 760 cel. Email: papato777@hotmail.com

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  • - The Courier will pick up the package on the place and date agreed, and once we receive the artwork, we will proceed with the refund of the paid amount.

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Currently is not possible to make prints shipments outside Spain. We're working to re-offer the service as soon as possible.

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